Upućeno: USA, Velikoj Britaniji, Rusiji, Francuskoj, Njemačkoj, Kanadi, Japanu, Italiji, Predsjedniku Evropske Unije i Komisije i Turskoj
Nj.E. Ahmet Davutogluom
Ministar vanjskih poslova
Ankari, Republika Turska
Poštovani gospodine Ministar:
Uvažavajući Vašu funkciju člana Upravnog odbora Vijeća za implementaciju mira u Bosni i Hercegovini, ( i predstavnika za OIC-a kao i države ), mi: Dr. Muhamed Šaćirbay potpisnik Daytonskog sporazuma i bivši ministar vanjskih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine i Dr.Prim. Muhamed Saračević Predsjednik KBSA2000- osnivača Kongresa Bošnjaka Svijeta, zahtjevamo da se odluka Vlade Velike Britanije i Sjeverne Irske o hapšenju dr. Ejupa Ganića, na temelju zahtjeva o izručenju od vlade Srbija preispita. Konkretno, ova akcija Velike Britanije na zahtijev vlada u Beogradu je kršenje Daytonskog sporazuma. Vlada u Beogradu je jednostrano izdala "Nalog za hapšenje" BiH građana bez obzira što je to u suprotnosti sa odlukom po istom pitanju Međunarodnog kaznenog suda za bivšu Jugoslaviju, ICTY, "Daytonskog sporazuma”, kao i bilateralnih sporazuma. (Postoji barem 18 pojedinaca a možda i nešto više od 400 osoba na takvim tajnim spiskovima).
Odluka Velike Britanije da postupi po zahtjevu Beograda za hapšenje dr. Ganića je politička odluka britanske vlade, a ne pravosudna odluka ( uvjereni smo da će to potvrditi i pravni savjetnik u Vašem ministarstvu). Zahtijev Beograda trebao je biti odbijen na političkom nivou Britanske vlade. Sada je takvo ponašanje i Britansku vladu i vlast u Beogradu, stavilo u poziciju da protivrječe autoritetu i odluci ICTY-ja. Primat MKSJ je kodiran u Daytonskom sporazumu i ugovoru i povezan je sa "Pravilima puta", postignutiom u Rimu 1996, kojim je zabranjeno jednostrano hapšenje i procesuiranje od strane država i "strana", bez odobrenja ICTY). ICT je prethodno razmatrao pritužbe po istom pitanju i odbacio zahtjev za progon, na temelju relevantnog međunarodnog humanitarnog prava. Prema tome, primat MKSJ-a po tom pitanju, nije bio poštovan, što je zabrinjavajuće, jer Daytonski sporazum je povrijeđen od strane Vlade Velike Britanije, kao i od vlasti u Beogradu.
Moguće motive Vlade Velike Britanije vezano za odluku da uhapsi Dr. Ejupa Ganića, kao i kršenje Daytonskog sporazuma , PIC-a ima obavezu da preispita, jer se predmet odnosi na Beograd kao potpisnika.Takođe je potrebno prispitati postupak još jednog člana PIC-a. tj. Vlade Velike Britanije, čija je tvrdnja da to pitanje podliježe sudu UK neiskrena i netačna. Moramo naglasiti da moguće pitanje izručenja Dr. Ejupa Ganića Beogradu od strane Velike Britanije je u prvom redu političke prirode, a ne pravne. (Uvjereni smo da će taj stav potvrditi i Vaši pravni eksperti).
Bez obzira na pravni postupak koji se održava pred sudom u Velikoj Britaniji, ne mogu se maskirati političke namjere i prikriti ne argumentovane optužbe i pravno nedostatni postupci koji bi dočekali Dr Ganića u Beogradu, (osobito imajući u vidu dugogodišnju historiju izbjegavanja hapšenja i procesuiranja ratnih zločinaca koje Beograd štiti i ne obazire se na zahtjeve i odluke Međunarodnog suda pravde ICJ, i ICTY). Nadalje, tretman gospodina Ilije Jurišića, već nepravedno uhapšenog i osuđenog na 12 godina od strane suda u Beogradu pod sličnim okolnostima, samo potvrđuje našu ocjenu političkog karaktera i nedostatak pravde u postupku.
Mi zahtjevamo da se Upravni odbor PIC-a, (Turska u svojstvu predstavnika OIC-a, kao i u mogucnostima njenih nacionalnih kapaciteta), razmotri ovo djelovanje od strane vlade Velike Britanije i vlasti u Beogradu, koje se odnose na pitanje Dr. Ejuba Ganića i g. Ilije Jurišića. Kršenje Daytonskog sporazuma od strane potpisnika, koji su ujedno i članovi PIC-a, ne smije biti predmet primjene selektivne političke sile. U suprotnom, Daytonski sporazum i uloga PIC biti će dodatno ugroženi što će se odraziti na njihovu ulogu u primjeni vladavine prava, kao i mira i stabilnosti u regiji.
S poštovanjem,
Ambasador Muhamed Šaćirbey Dr. Muhamed Saračević, predsjednik,
Bivši Ministar Vanjskih Poslova Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike 2000
i predstavnik BiH u UN, Osnivač Kongresa Bošnjaka Svijeta
United States, Russian Federation, Canada, France Germany, Italy, Japan, Presidency of the European Union, European Commission as well as United Kingdom and Turkey, (on behalf of OIC).
HE Ahmet Davutoglu
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ankara, Republic of Turkey
Dear Mr. Minister:
In your capacity as Steering Board member of Peace Implementation Council for Bosnia & Herzegovina, (and representative for OIC states as well), we, (I as signatory of the Dayton Accords and former Foreign Minister of Bosnia & Herzegovina and the World Congress of Bosniaks), request that you review the decision of the Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland to detain Dr. Ejub Ganic on the basis of an extradition request and at the behest of the authorities of the Government of Serbia. In particular, this action of Serbia and the UK government in acceding to Belgrade’s detention request is a violation of the Dayton Accords.
The Belgrade government has been unilaterally pursuing a “wanted list” of Bosnian & Herzegovinian, “BiH,” citizens despite that this contradicts the authority and review of the International Criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, “ICTY,” the Dayton Accords as well as bilateral agreements. (There are at least 18 individuals and possibly as many as 400 on such secret lists). The decision to accede to the Serbian request to detain Dr. Ganic is at the discretion the UK Government and of a political rather than judicial character, as I’m confident legal counsel in your ministry will confirm. The Belgrade Government’s request should have been rejected at this political/government level. To do otherwise places the UK Government now as well as the Belgrade authorities in the position to contradict the authority and review of the ICTY. The primacy of the ICTY is encoded in the Dayton Accords and related agreements, (as the “Rules of the Road” reached in Rome in 1996 which prohibited unilateral detentions by states and “parties” without review and confirmation of the ICTY). The ICT has previously reviewed the actual episode in question behind this detention and extradition request and rejected to pursue prosecution on basis of relevant international humanitarian law. Consequently, the ICTY’s primacy on such matters, authority was not respected, and more troubling, the Dayton Accord was violated now by the UK Government as well as Belgrade authorities.
Possible motives aside regarding the decision to detain, the PIC has the obligation to address this violation of the Dayton Agreement, both as it applies to Belgrade as signatory and especially another PIC member. (Any effort by the UK Government to now contend that this matter is subject to UK Court review is disingenuous, as again we must emphasize the matter to pursue extradition by the UK Government is in the first instance at the discretion of such government and not courts, (as I’m also confident your legal experts will confirm).
Whatever proceedings are held before a UK court, they cannot mask the political and frankly flawed proceedings that would await Dr. Ganic in Belgrade, (especially keeping in mind Belgrade’s extended and continuing history of shielding indicted war crimes suspects and failing to yet heed rulings of the International Court of Justice, “ICJ” and the ICTY). Further, the treatment of Mr. Ilija Jurisic, already unjustly detained and committed to 12 years by a Belgrade court under similar circumstances only confirms our assessment of the political character and lack of justice in the proceedings.
We request that the PIC Steering Board, ( and Turkey in its capacity as OIC representative and its national capacity), review this action by the UK government and the Belgrade authorities as they relate to the matter of Dr. Ejub Ganic and also Mr. Ilija Jurisic. Violations of the Dayton Accords by either signatories or PIC members must not be subjected to selective enforcement. Otherwise, the Dayton Accords and the role of the PIC would be further eroded in promoting the rule of law as well as peace and stability in the region.
Respectfully Yours,
Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey Dr. Muhamed Saracevic, president
Former Foreign Minister, Congress of North Bosniaks 2000
Permanent Representative to UN, Founder of World Bosniaks Congress
Agent before ICJ,
Representative and witness before ICTY
and Signatory of Dayton Accords,
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